Sunday 4 October 2015


HI Everyone -
Welcome to my new blog ..........................
I will start posting on here all my new and old designs - items for sale and patterns and host Crochet Alongs. Please check and see what is new - I will try and regularly update things, but life can be erratic!
A little background on me -
I am an experienced crocheter and crafter - since I was a little girl. I am a self taught crocheter since the 1980's and taught myself when I lived in the  USA and have crocheted everything from baby boots to rugs! I have sewn since I was a small child and have mad clothing, quilts, wallhangings etc ................. I often have sleepless nights and plan and design while I am in bed! :-)) So I get some bonus out of a sleepless night due to pain etc
I used to be an archaeologist
Also a parent - my children are now grown and fully fledged being bigger and wiser than I am!

Since 2006bI have had M.E./CFIDS quite badly and have been learning to cope with it (sometimes with success ie can semi-function or no success which means exhaustion for no real reason and am bed bound) - so this tends to limit my life greatly! Getting about is very limited these days, certainly can no longer walk anywhere without my trusty stick! But when I am not overwhelmed with things and in a sleep/exhausted mode I can still crochet as it only requires fingers to move and little energy. This keeps my fingers supple and my spirits up!!
I had to give up my career in archaeology due to this illness - was doing quite well so very annoyed as been my lifeblood and fought hard to pursue this as my chosen career since University
Anyway now I craft and focus on what I can still do (after a fashion)
Many friends help me out - support me in many ways - to them I am eternally grateful - I could not do very much at all without their support!! So a heart felt thanks to all!!

I am associated with :-
Peninsula Crafts - checkout their web page, blog and facebook pages - Karen and I try to keep them updated! I participateat thie craft shows - and am Group Secretary (not very good at it due to the ME but they are very forgiving!!!!) LOL :-))
Also with A Woolly Tail - my favourite and wonderful yarn supplier - Julie Whitehead the director who has been so helpful and supportive of me and my work - heartfelt thanks Julie!

I also have an ETSY Shop - SingularOne - so check out things there as will be posting items for sale there very soon!
Patterns will be available on ETSY or on RAVELRY - look up SingularOne
Items for sale - garments, blankets, brooches etc etc will be on sale either here or on ETSY
If you wish to commission something - then just send me a message!
I try to be reasonable in pricing - mainly reflecting the cost of yarn
Oh yes I only use premium wools, silks, cottons, linens, etc - some are even vintage e.g Jaeger wools/silks/cashmere/alpaca (still have a little left!)
Also I have an  "at"  email - again SingularOne will find me

Well as I said just watch this space as there will be some exciting new patterns and ideas coming this way!!

PS Please tell everyone and get them to like/follow etc !! Thanks xXx
PPD better get a facebook account/link done as well - Gosh this networking is hard work!! :-))

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