Thursday 22 October 2015

Forthcoming Show at Peninsula Crafts Woolverston & GEOMETRY BUNTING

I will be exhibiting at
Peninsula Craft Show this coming weekend
This will be at The Ipswich High School for Girls in the Sports Hall
on the Shotley Peninsula Suffolk
I will  have various items on exhibition and a dedicated sales area
In the Exhibition will various examples of
 My New Bunting Pattern
Patterns for this will be available

Not the best of photographs I know!! Will do better - promise Julie!!
But as you can see each is a different geometric shape and by doing them in different colours you can change the look dramatically (see below)

This was designed not only to look pretty - but as a teaching aid for children so they can learn not only their shapes (like a shape sorter) but colours and colour theory as well.
My poor children never had just plain toys - they all had to do something else as well!

How did this come about you  may well ask ..........................
well obviously a story here .................

 My dear friend Julie, up at "A Woolly Tail" very recently lost her dear friend to cancer - so bless her she is arranging a Charity Event for her deceased friend Sue .................. at which there will not only be treats for the ladies, but two crafty corners one crochet and knitting the other sewing ........all making - yup you guessed it BUNTING!!
This is in celebration of Sue's life and love of Sunflowers (hence the yellow shaded bunting!!).

The bunting will be gifted to the local Primary School  (where her young son Wilf goes),  for both parents and the children to enjoy and brighten their days  ..........
,,,, ............ ......... .so ..............I thought ............. ahhh...... hmmmm .......... wellll ..........hmm - big thinks ........lots cups coffee .....(OK and cake) ....... more big thinks ........... much searching  .......... ......... .. and came up with the idea of  Geometric shapes rather than the usual triangles and hearts ......................
So thought some more .......................  and came up with idea of colour theory ........... so each string of bunting can teach something else than just the shape - colour theory, complimentary, analogous etc
yee haaaa two things for the price of one - as it were

So "GEOMETRY" was born - the pattern and co-ordinated yarn packs will be available at "A Woolly Tail" very soon!!! Julie's super all things woolly ..... yarn/books/patterns/buttons/etc fest web site - the portal to all things of woolly goodness  ......... Link below......................

I must thank Julie ................. it has been through her wonderful encouragement and support that this has all come about

PS Amazingly we were both archaeologists in our pre-woolly lives ............... but that is another story for another post ..................

 Another  terrible picture but gives you an idea of what a difference colour can make

Sunflower Yellows - will this is for Sue's event
Candy Pinks - this colour-way ideal for 'Breast Cancer' charity events
Red-white-blue - this colour-way ideal for charity events for 'Help for Heroes' or for your own little aviator

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